”I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou

I came across this quote today. It brought back memories of defeat, failure and mishaps in my teaching experience. It resonated with me so deeply. One thing you should know about me is that I’m a hardcore self-critic; I don’t wait to be criticized, I do it myself. Sometimes validated criticism and most of the time invalid ones. Although I was extreme, as my therapist says, it has served as a strength because it’s what has made me gear up to excellence.

People who met me like six months ago, don’t have the right to say they know me because what I was then is not what I am today. What I mean to say is this: be kind to yourself. You’ll find it in your heart to be kind to those around you. We all make mistakes and we will always have someone in our past to whom we played the bad villain. That is life, you can’t be the sweetie pie in everyone’s story, because you are human. What counts most is that you’re better today.

Allah loves that we practise excellence. He is Ar -Rahman, the Most Merciful. His Mercy overshadows His anger. If you’ve made bad judgement, overreacted, or anything else of the sort, have it in your heart to seek forgiveness and be kind to yourself because if you don’t, no one will.

My career in education only made sense when I began to embrace my weaknesses even when it was painful; listen to bad feedback, swallow the embarrassment then pick myself up and move on.

As long as you are alive, you have the opportunity to be better, to serve better and to live better. I believe the path to living your purpose starts within yourself; your connection with Allah.

2 Responses

  1. A well thought of piece. I resonate with it in many ways. The moment you embrace your self being and be kind to yourself: You feel alot lighter in your thoughts and your deeds.
    The being kind to yourself first then to others works miracles. Especially in the teaching profession where you preach to the children the virtue of kindness and expect them to reciprocate it in their deeds , and as a teacher you have to model this. Be kind in whatever small ways. And they will learn it from you.

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