Respect is not earned through fear.

I recall my early days in educational leadership, I unconsciously carried with me the notion that, the more I am feared the more I’ll be respected. To me, when no one speaks in a meeting or knock my office door to have a personal talk means I am respected. I never realized how detrimental it […]

Be the change that you want to see!

Have we ever thought about how we prepare our children during their schooling years? Have we ever wondered if the schedules and controlled routines are what they need? Think of yourself after your schooling years. Were you able to adapt to the freedom of time, space and interaction? Were you able to make SMART choices, […]

Clarity breeds focus!

Clarity is very important. When your vision isn’t clear, you rush to see an optician so you can get prescribed glasses to see clearly. The same is with our goals/ambitions/vision in life. If you wake up with no clue of what you will do on that day, your whole day is spent tackling chaos. At […]

Nurturing Eeman in Children

When we nurture a strong eeman in our children, we cultivate within them the ability to distinguish right from wrong. This relationship and ability to discern will then lead them to choose the lawful in each and every circumstance. This choice will be made regardless of the pressure to act otherwise. It is for this […]

The Child Matters

`If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.’-Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Estrada Often times as teachers, we plan to teach what needs to be taught, we put ourselves first before the learners, this is something I learnt from my teaching journey, the amount of pressure and high expectations […]